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Whether you’re looking for marketing tips and tricks or want the lowdown on our latest projects, you’ve come to the right place.

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Words commonly used in content marketing

3 words you hear all the time – but hardly ever use

There are particular words and phrases that crop up a lot. You see them on signs, hear them in announcements or even see them used in some content marketing plans – but when was the last time you used them in a sentence?

A man and a woman smiling in an office

Supporting UK Government and the public sector

Do you work for the UK Government or the public sector? If you need help to promote a service, recruit employees or raise public awareness on a topic, we can help thanks to our placement on the Communications Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

Two small tiles on a beige background. Each tile showing the Instagram logo.

How to make the Instagram changes work for you and your business

Instagram has introduced changes – and it’s making a lot of people angry. If Instagram is still an important tool for your business and your audiences, follow these tips to give your organic content the best chance of being seen.

Dare to Dream: The Story of Developing a New Agency Vision

What’s it like to oversee the development of a new vision for a marketing agency? Our Head of Strategy, Jo Pearce, talks us through the highs and the lows.

Aeroplane in sky

4 Travel marketing tips in a post-pandemic world

What travel companies should be thinking about within their marketing for the year ahead.

Teddy in a washing machine

South West Water – Bringing Water to Life

We’re partnering with South West Water to deliver a campaign which aims to challenge common misconceptions about the brand.

Analytics visual display

Google Analytics 4: How to handle the sunsetting of Universal Analytics

At AB we appreciate that change can be scary, but don’t worry – when it comes to utilising Google Analytics 4 as Universal Analytics comes to an end we are here to help you.

Facebook login page on a phone screen

Does Facebook know me better than my partner?

Could it be said that our social media accounts know more about us than our loved ones do? Read on to find out more.


Is this the death of third-party cookies?

Why has Google’s plan to phase out cookies has caused such a stir in the industry?

Smiley face emoji in hand

Want a greater understanding of your customers’ feelings? Here’s how machine learning can help.

How can machine learning help me to empathise with my customers?

Kim Logan - Head of Digital

New year, new head of Digital Marketing at AB Brand and Marketing Agency

We’re delighted to announce that Kimberly Logan is joining the AB team as Head of Digital Marketing.

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